Thursday, October 04, 2018

Updating /etc/hosts in Android emulator

Why? think of it like when all you want is to redirect the target server to another server and you cannot or should not update the dns server and all you need is just one or two lines on the right place ;)

Isn't it as simple as going in and change one or two things? Yes, if it's allowed :)
Anyway here's how we can do it in five simple steps:

1. Assuming emulator is already set up, open the shell and go to the emulator directory under the sdk directory. Start the emulator with this command:

emulator -writable-system -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd {emulator_name}
emulator -writable-system -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5X_API_25

2. Go to root mode
Open the shell and run the command:
adb root
3. Remount system partition
adb remount
4. Pull hosts file, edit it as needed
adb pull /etc/hosts hosts
5. Push it back
adb push hosts /etc/hosts

And... we're done, enjoy!

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