Monday, October 08, 2018

Enable gc log

When your Java app is running very slow there's a chance that it is caused by some pauses in your app which in turn caused by the diligent garbage collector who loves to take its time cleaning up the memory for you way too often and too long :)

These two steps you might want to do to make sure that it was GC doing its job:
1. Extract the GC log from your app
2. Analyze the log

Extracting GC Log

For extracting the gc log, here's my preferred settings:


Add those parameters above on your java runtime parameters, for tomcat you could edit (or catalina.bat), find JAVA_OPTS and add them there.

Restart your Java app or app server and find gc.log on the current directory where you run your java app.

Analyzing GC Log

Refer to the reference 1 below on how to learn to interpret the gc log.
For the tools, choices are you do it using offline tool or online tool.
1. Offline
I'm using GC Viewer (see reference 3 below), simple and easy tool

2. Online
Try, it analyzes your gc log quite awesome :)



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